Thursday, September 17, 2009

Chef Sam

I did a somewhat impromptu photo shoot on Tuesday with Chef Sam Pagan. Armed with an SB600, an umbrella and a piece of foam core I went at it. Space was very limited because the restaurant is pretty narrow and they were pretty busy as well (as they should be. Gezzo's has great food and on top of that, every dish Sam makes is killer). My favorite perk of shooting food is that you get to eat it afterwards. And I must say that the tilapia with pineapple salsa was amazing! Hopefully Gezzo's and Chef Sam will team up again soon. When they do, you should do everything you can to make sure you are there... Seriously...

prep work

Chef Sam serving up two plates of awesome

key lime shrimp (amazing)

tilapia with pineapple salsa (oh so good)

"One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating." -- Luciano Pavarotti


Joel Chandler said...

I have to agree that Chef Sam Pagan makes some of the most delicious food...oh man. I got to eat at his home one time and it was amazing...

Jen Chandler said...

Excellent photos, m'dear! I must say, the tilapia was good, but the shrimp was amazing! Definitely a fan of Chef Sam!


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